
Wednesday, March 16, 2011


CSI 2 is on a slight break due to me just being burned out! Give it a week or two.
ARENA will take all of my focus, so work on that will start after CSI 2's 1.0 release.
So, meanwhile I will work on a thiiiiird project to keep me sharp on developing while also giving me a testing ground, or sandbox to experiment with new ideas in the taeHD engine.

But what is it...?
A reboot of my first game project, Mega Awesome Land Turbo! -- and my first relatively higher quality series, LoneLife.
"lone." is the game. It's 60% Minigames and 40% Exploration, and hopefully it'll be fun.

Unlike Mega Awesome Land (which I admit this game takes more from) it doesn't take place in some random village area without roads that happens to have go-karts, paintball, and a space station. It takes place in a city that will actually go from day to night in real time (thanks to your computer, play at night it's night. Play during the day it's the day) and will have weather effects, mainly rain. You'll be able to hop in and hop out of your car, have a house and be able to somewhat customize it, go out on the town and play minigames ranging from laser tag to over the top experiences (the cool little space station will probably return!)

The world will be (somewhat, I'm not that good at this!) as alive as I can make it. This means people walking down the sidewalk, cars driving past you, traffic, stuff like that. It also will support Co-op (I REALLY want it to be game-wide, as in able to explore the city together unlike the past game) but might be limited to minigames only.

This post is developing... check again later today!

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