
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

ponderings of a mad man

Okeh SO. We have the Nightlife Update being released tonight at some point, hopefully before 6 PM's nightfall.
Let us recap what will be in it!

1. Buildings have been given more detailed textures.2. A new, more dynamic lighting engine. Populated areas will be light up in the night. Your car will also give off headlights now. Spice up the night!3. Second of the row buildings will hopefully be done.4. Vignette around the display, adding to the look of the game5. Sprinting! Returns from CSI 2. Hold down shift!6. TREES?!7. Adjusted Midtown Station location to be... more in the middle.8. A new room in the first building.9. Tweaked sounds and sound related bug fixes (rain in car sfx now playing, different volumes)10. Many more NPC's, let's make the world feel alive!
11. And probably more stuff.
 Yeah, it's pretty big. Bigger than the Monday Night update, I'd say. Now, what should be done after all this? Well here are my goals in order.

1. Some sort of phone, PDA, navigator, or whatever-like device the player can open up on top of the game, hopefully it'll have resources for various things in the game. Not sure of what yet...
2. Improve the graphics overall. My original goal with lone was for it to be my first 3D game, but that obviously hasn't worked out with the program I'm using to develop with. Might as well make the textures look nicer.
3. Of course, make the world feel more alive. This means NPC's, traffic, more furniture in houses, the whole nine yards. Look forward to a movie theatre showing something that I have no clue of eventually, or some sort of television.
4. Make subway stations cooler, like real life. Have vendors, gates, ticket booths, etc.
5. MAYBE a weather system, again, I love the rain and I'm still on the fence about this.
6. More things in the park to add to the exploration aspect, not sure yet.
7. Some sort of customization method in the players apartment.
9. Some more floor textures, even though the game is already leaps and bounds ahead of CSI 2 in that department.
10. Performance optimizations. This game runs in one massive frame, where everything is loaded at once. This can be a bit problematic...

Now, some fun facts!
 - lone.'s city has over 500 objects loaded at all times.
 - The rain actually only has 4 frames.
 - Trees in the Nightlife update have some serious layer problems.

derp, Trevor signing out.

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