
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Outskirts Expansion: Progress report.

Good news, so far, the bridge is just about done, and bug fixes to the city as well as some improvements have already been made! The bridge even supports my first instance of Parallax 3D in use, so the ocean looks like it's moving and goes on far ahead. It looks great.

Now, other improvements you'll see... This update will include the 'ePhone'! At anytime in the game you'll be able to pull up a phone at the bottom right side of the screen, controlling it with the number keys. It supports 'Apps' and  that's the main feature of it. Right now, it's primarily just used for immersion, but I have some good ideas to extend it later on. It comes VERY EASILY expandable as a UI. It'll release with two apps,

'eEvents' that just highlights places you should visit depending on the time of day.
'Speedometer!' shows your character - or car's current speed whenever, mainly for development purposes, but it's still neat!

ALSO: The in-game clock showing the time of day has been moved TO YOUR PHONE. It'll always be displayed on the top right of your ePhone when you have it out.

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