
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Welcome to the new trevdev.blogspot.

Now accessible from ""

Annnd we're back! Welcome to the new trevdev blog, featuring an awesome template now much easier on the eyes. Let's take a tour of the changes!

Everything is after the jump. Click the title of this post.

Photo Tour of the all-new trevdev.blogspot.

1. At the top of the page, is the tab bar. You can click any of these links to go to the page of information, pictures, downloads, anything related to that game.

2. On the left is our Twitter, and the brand new Labels system.

Every post from now on is tagged one or more labels, these greatly help with sorting out and easily getting information on the things you care about. You can click any of these labels to instantly go to a list of posts under that label.

Click Site news, and you'll get a list of site updates. Games, and you'll get a list of updates for any game.

Enjoy the redesign, remember, it's always improving!

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