
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Welcome to the Outskirts: It's beautiful!

Welcome to both a Nite Note and WttO article, in one! Plus some todo-ness.

LOOK AT THAT PICTURE. Yup, the Launcher now has the first serious amount of 3D graphics featured in any of my games, in-game Lone does have some 3D on the East Bay Bridge, but still! The sky scrolls, as does the sea below. It looks amazing in motion.

A lot! The land layout for East Bay is complete. A good amount of the forest is done, the bridge is done, new lighting systems are done, Midtown subway overhaul at 50%, the Bay Street Pier is done, but unfurnished. No RV park yet, no campsites yet, no East Bay subway yet, and no Central City Ferry yet.

So, about those activities...
In fact they're pretty low on my list. Expect them in the distant future.

FFFFF, well, What was that CSI 2: Nations thing about?
Before CSI 2 Revelations I was working on CSI: Nations, the expansion pack to CSI: The Game. It was meant to be open world mayhem, a-la Grand Theft Auto or Saints Row, where you can run around, drive vehicles at your whim, shoot things up, and blow up whatever you want. Sadly the development of it was impossible past a certain point without the new taeHD 2 engine I'm using today. CSI 2: Nations is basically my second crack at it, and it WILL come out. However, a long time from now. Expect it in Autumn/Winter this year, or at least for the project to start then (hopefully the summer) It'll run Lone's taeHD 2 and is a prequel to CSI 2: Revelations.

I really should work on an update to lone graphics wise at some point, it seems like a weird halfbreed at this point, some parts look absolutely FANTASTIC (The Launcher, Bay Bridge) while others look pretty dang bad (Downtown) so I'll have to get to work on evening it all out at some point, not in this update though.

Some notes for the upcoming lone expansion!
I moved the Park's station to be more between the Park and Bay Street, as opposed to adding another station a few feet away. (Like I did with Midtown Station)

A ton of new lighting effects are hanging around spots, including streetlights!

I started working on the new Midtown Station's interiooor!

Street signs in a few places telling you locations, look forward to more.

The night is darker.

Weather can now be clear or rainy, real randomization is expected to be added at some point today.

The sky, when the weather is clear will be blue during the day and dark at night. :O

Really neat ambient effects have been added to East Bay Beach, including seagulls.

A lot of sound-related bug fixes, like driving your car and walking/running.

The player's walking speed has been lowered, but sprint has stayed the same.

There are some minor lag issues by the water on East Bay Bridg, but it goes away as soon as the water is out of scene, this is on my computer only so far so I need to do more testing.

The phone is pretty much complete besides the flashlight at this point.

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