
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The all-new lone.

okay, not ALL new, but mostly! IT'S A MASSIVE UPDATE.
The download will be posted as soon as the upload finishes, here's ya' log.

Note: There are some bugs in this version that you'll probably encounter, there'll be a a bugfix version either later tonight or early tomorrow afternoon. But nothing breaks the game, so just restart!

  • Tutorial for beginners! Includes movement, driving, and sprint controls. (Everything)
  • Launcher after the cinematic intro, with gamepage link!
  • Many more NPC's!
  • NPC 'schedules'. At certain times of the day they'll be one place, then later they'll be somewhere else. Moving throughout the day and night.
  • A nightclub building, third one down, first row! (It's small)
  • Sprint ability! Hold down shift when running to run faster.
  • Headlights in front of your car at night.
  • Ambient light emitted from populated areas at night!
  • MINOR GRAPHICS UPDATE: Vignette filter around the screen.
  • Sound related fixes, rain in car SFX now playing.
  • Volume changes depending on area more accurately than before.
  • Driving a car under the lake is no longer allowed!
  • Midtown Station has been moved slightly more into the MIDDLE of town.
  • Texture and skin changes to various objects/npc's to promote uniqueness.

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