
Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Now that the Nightlife update has been out for a while, it's time to discuss the NEXT revision.

The Outskirts Update
Massive map extension, with the all new CENTRAL FOREST area! (You MIGHT have to cross a bridge to get there)
Campgrounds! (RV parking area, maybe with a few interiors)
Campsites! (Tents, campfires, etc)
Activities! Actually DO things, might include mini-games, quests, not sure yet!
A huge forest to explore! (and hopefully activities to do there)
Parking lots!
Graphics changes!
Bug fixes!
EVEN MORE NPC's added to the world!
Some sort of way to handle the city load time!

This'll probably take more than one night to make, so enjoy that Nightlife update!

In depth:
this update's goal is to add functionality on top of the tech demo that is lone. Things to do. Real exploration outside of a few spots in the city. While making it look a better experience to play. Expect texture updates to various objects and elements in the game, and the new textures. My idea is to have the player cross a bridge to get out of the city, or take the metro to the furthest station. The bridge will hopefully be the shining gem of lone.'s graphical experience, featuring some perspective angling (I hope) many layers of the bridge (for some depth) and the water below moving about. It'll be a big undertaking just for me (who, remember, sucks at graphics) to draw and animate all that, so thats why this update will most likely be released sometime after tonight, as opposed to the nightly updating we've had before. This won't be as much as a overhaul as the Nightlife update was (with the addition of tutorials, sprinting, a launcher screen, and many graphical improvements) but will be an attempt to build on that. I'm comfortable with the lone. Formula we've been experiencing so far, so expect more of the casualness. But first, activities. This'll be hard, too. Though not as difficult as the graphics, I'm sure. Lone. is a decent overworld and all but there's nothing to do as far as an actual game goes, besides your imagination. I'll find a way eventually.

What will the Outskirts area be like?:
Much different from the city, there'll probably be only one building, a lodge next to the subway station, and the rest of it is focused on the outdoors. You can drive out to the Center City Campgrounds, find a spot to park your car, then set out and explore the forest at sunset and stop at your campsite by the campfire and relax for the night, imagination! As for stuff going on in there, the answer is there won't be much going on. I might add caves and things later on, but right off the bat it's nothing other than a forest for the sake of exploring and letting the player camp out. Once you cross the bridge, you'll hopefully have access to a beach-like area where you can hang out, and NPC's will be around (including older-version NPC's at certain times of the day.) You alsos can expect some sort of swimming ability for certain bodies of water! (like the pond and the beach, later on hopefully a pool.)

The Outskirts are nice... but what's after that?:
The world will already be MASSIVE by then, and I don't want this to become another CSI Nations flop due to size. After this I'm focusing on three things: NPC's. Buildings. and A.I. as in more civilians, car traffic, and much more NPC schedules.

Your player should have a Phone by the time this is released. The CenterWireless "ePhone".
It'll support 'apps' extensions later on, but at first it will only have an Events page showing places to go at day or night, depending on when you use it.

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