
Monday, January 30, 2012

Awesome news in 3, 2, 1...

In my last post, the new iteration of the Main Menu was shown off. Well it's evolving forward a bit more, you see...

I got ideas for the Shop!

First of all, the "Badges" tab you see in the picture will be renamed to something more universal, currently I'm thinking "MyLog", "MyPro" or something along those lines. In that tab, you'll be able to go to the Badge Wall, see some stats, and access the ProShop.

Inside the ProShop you'll be able to buy stuff like...
  • Buy a new set of Badges (Meant to be earned after My Little Million)
  • Buy a new medkit to be placed in Survival Mode.
  • My favorite so far... Purchase a Quick Heal, for 500,000 ProPoints you can tap "F" to use it and instantly fill your health, it's a one time use thing, so you should buy one in preparation for a hard level or long Survival run.
With the introduction of the new Quick Heal item, I'm adding tougher death penalties for Legacy Mode (when you tagged a checkpoint), you'll lose 10,000 of your points in that current stage each time you die.

You'll be able to carry multiple Quick Heals. You can track your inventory in "MyLog", and with this new feature introduction, I might go for more Items in the future - I'm even thinking about making it so you have to buy Ammo, or at least ammo boosts.

Another idea I'm thinking of is a "Extended Mag" upgrade. You'll be able to use it to boost your current clip by 15.

With all these upgrades and items though - I'm starting to think about adding an in-game Inventory screen, but this is looking a bit too far ahead.

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