
Thursday, January 19, 2012

On save files in future games (Well, CSI P) and badges!

So I tried a bit of file saving yesterday, didn't work out too well. But here's something I'll probably be able to do before a complete version releases: The most recent score.

This  should definitely be possible and doable, but saving Story Mode states is a bit different. I don't want the story to drag on. I want it to be content worth revisiting to explore  level or try for a better score, so saving might not even be necessary for that.

Anyways, each mode in CSI:P will have  "Hub". You choose the mode in the main menu and it brings you to the hub. You'll get information on what is you'll be doing, go back to the main menu, or start the mode.This gives space for at least the most recent score to be displayed.

Remember taeConnect Badges in the attempted Revelations revamp? Well those went away... for now at least. I think I can get them back in to an extent. It should be something I can get done, even with a full badge viewer interface in the menus, imagine stuff like:

[Over 9000]- Get over 9000 points for your first time.
[Treasure Hunter 1] - Find your first hidden case of money.
[Treasure Hunter 2] - Find five hidden cases.
[Treasure Hunter 3] - Find all 10 hidden cases.
[Crazy Points] - Get over 50,000 points.
[Addicted] - Get over 100,000 points in one level.
[Destroyer of Hordes] - Survive wave 10 in Survival
[East Gate Champion] - Complete East Gates in Legacy.
[Back Room Wrecker] - Complete Back Rooms in Legacy.

Of course it all would be persistent, something meta to work on even after beating the main story.

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