
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Moving on...

Here's the first status update for CSI: Prologue!

  1. The current Revelations levels will survive, and live on in the "Legacy" mode.
  2. New menu interface is pretty much complete, it's very simple and works well, screenshots coming.
  3. We have progress on the save system! Currently it's just saving and reading a score, not positions and levels yet. More on this after this section.
So this is how saving will hopefully work... In all of the game's modes.
You'll be able to save from the menu, you will have to restart whatever scene you are in though if you load. 

Either your top score or most recent score will be saved depending on what I can pull off here, you'll be able to see it before you start Survival.
There's a chance of saving in this mode not being implemented, since Revelations in it's last update was only around 15 minutes long. We might get score saving per level, so if you're a score fiend, Legacy and Survival modes are for you.

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