
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

CSI P: New content?

So CSI: Prologue will have two modes of admittedly recycled content, Survival and Legacy modes.
The good thing is that both of these modes have received tweaks (not rehashes) with the Prologue transition. 

Part of this is balance. I 'nerfed' sprint points (I call it "Chaining", because you should sprint between melee kills) to the ground. Tweaked the SMG to be more efficient as a primary weapon.

I am revisiting the old content (Legacy and the main Survival map) with some new stuff, like the Rifle to make aiming more precise. Next up, I'm adding a traverse ability. You'll be able to climb over marked objects.

After Story Mode is done, I really, really want to introduce some more stuff to the game, maybe a second Survival Map, maybe some sort of Multiplayer, or something entirely different. I have a few ideas up my sleeve, I really want to make this game as content packed as possible.

Small Update: Worked on a new mode, Codename: Escape. It's pretty much just time trial. You have to run through a map in as low a time as possible, it doesn't have shooting elements, but it gives you something else to do! So far it is pretty neat. Time records correctly and it even has "3 2 1" sounds.

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