
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Points,General CSIP devtalk, and lots of stuff about Nations!

If you're plying the CSI:P Prerelease you probably noticed that... you get a huge mount of points. It's intended, thats for sure. I wanted stuff to feel rewarding, although like this a single point or even 100 points means nothing. Rather than cut point gain (I still like this!) the economy in-game will be inflated, stuff will be priced in the 250k+ range, and into the millions.

The thing is though, in some Legacy maps you can break your points counter by earning more than 100,000 points in a single scene.

Prerelease 2 might see some changes related to the point-conomy, you'll probably earn a bit less.

Now for some bug problems with PR1:
If you click in the middle of the screen on some stages the stage resets, this is due to the "you died bro" dialogue still being there, just invisible, should be easy to fix.

And a bit about Story:
Scene 1 is just about done, Scene 2 will be my first outing into 'cinematics' with taeHD, and it has a lot of them.
I'll probably plug in a way to skip the level, because I know cinematics really can take you out of the game, or stop the pace - but it is Story mode and I want to get my cousins' story into the game.

Lone Outskirts pt2:
LATER. CSI:P is my main priority right now and likely will be for at least a week.

Why I started Prologue instead of went straight to Nations:
I want these two games to be my first real high-quality creations. Revelations didn't feel like enough for me so I revitalized it with Prologue rather than dump the entire project, now it's something I'm proud of already. All of the stuff I'm putting into the game here is stuff I want to use in Nations - plus I have more time to experiment with open world thanks to lone. Nations will pretty much be an open world Prologue, and a way to get me to try something really unique.

And stuff I want to be in Nations - Up to date.
  • Open world in the San Andreas fashion - massive countryside, medium cities. Nations will probably have 1 city, but lots of villages.
  • Instanced missions and/or "Hideouts" (dungeons): Seperated from the overworld but fitting to the area around it, hopefully repeatable, too.
  • Return of the Badge Wall.
  • Even more weapons, at least an explosive.
  • Destruction opportunities: Ability to destroy buildings with weapons or vehicles.
  • Lotsa vehicles, cars with different stats, helicopters, planes, and boats: I'm probably going to have to use premade vehicles that came bundled with Multimedia Fusion 2, my dev program. I can't draw.
  • High resolution display, like Lone, but maybe even higher res.
  • Better handling of the overworld than lone (better performance)
  • "PDA" system - I wanted to do this with Revelations and it's Map but I couldn't, menus would be accessible with it, like a map, or game info, and the Badge Wall. Similar to lone, but with more apps.
  • RPG-like feel: Hinted by the Instances/Hideouts I want in the game.

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