
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Overhauling Revelations: Part 1

So While lone is undergoing a massive update with some 3D graphics, and a ton of new content, CSI: 2 Revelations is undergoinG a huge under the hood upgrade before any more new levels are added. Here's what's happening so far:

- Hugely improved interface.
- Title has been changed to emphasize "REVELATIONS" more than "CSI 2"
- Story cinematics have been removed, to be replaced with a simple "Here's what's going down" on starting Story Mode.
- AWESOME new Main Menu interface based around being connected. Game page content will be integrated directly into the menu, also with a new thing I'm calling the "LiveTab", a neat scrolling ticker at the bottom of the menu showing update news, high scores, and 'hot' Badges.
- First tae game with Badge integration.
- A good amount of connectivity with the "taeConnect" app. This update will release bundled with a taeConnect installation for maximum awesome. For instance, you'll be able to go to taeConnect from Revelations without leaving, post something on Facebook, check Badges for the game, then get back into Revelations.
- A lot of performance improvements and bug fixes.

And yes, Live Tab and Badges should be coming to Lone eventually, but thatll be after The Outskirts if anything.

EDIT: Scratch this. Revelations is dead, long live Prologue.

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