
Thursday, February 24, 2011

What to expect...

Among bug fixes, some major features should be coming in an update tonight to the game.
Also, I like referring to Survival mode as Horde mode, SO WHAT.

Tonight's Goals

  • Easier Horde mode. Less spawn camping terrorists!
  • More prominent Horde mode level indicator.
  • Collision fixes.
  • MINOR framework pieces put in for the taeHD 2.0 update (high-res grahpics, probably won't be in release.)
  • The SMG. Will be added, at least to Horde mode. It will use 2 times the ammo of your regular pistol, but will be spray-riffic, you'll be able to switch seamlessly from Pistol to SMG and back with a button press, a minor HUD indicator will be added to show which weapon you're using.
Future ideas?
  • Turret (Onslaught) mode. Directly control a turret and bring down waves of enemies a la Survival mode.
  • Stealth Mode. No weapons, turrets, grenades, or anything. Just trusty ol' 'C' key and Stealth kills. Based around sprinting from cover to cover and going for the kill. Won't be a Horde mode style, but an alternate level series that I'll add to on my own. Has a chance of coming out tonight, in one level!
  • A Shrapnel Grenade item that will send projectiles in all directions, one time use per level.
  • Some other weapons?
  • Of course finishing the Story maps...
AND THERE YOU GO. Scroll down to "Bug Fixes" to download the latest (last night's) version of the game!

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