
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Current Bugs

Please report any bugs you see (which I'm sure there are)

Here are the ones I think are majjjjooooor.

  • The one persistent health pack in Survival mode is not... persistent. Fixed in tonight's update.
  • Restricted Area B does not have an intro picture. Next major release.
  • Layering bugs in the Survival map. Partially fixed in tonights update. 
  • Point overflow at 100,000 points. Not a major thing but this doesn't bode well for Survival mode.
  • In case you're wondering about how wonky the Turret's targeting is, it will be staying this way unless I decide to make it player-controlled aiming with the Arrow keys.
  • Introduction from the full version is included in the installer, making it slightly large. Don't fret.
  • Why's it called Mini? Because this is the more public version with no story needed. The full game has a story and is continuing this series of movies me and some of my cousins like to make.
Remember, download nao and help me! DOWNLOAD ETTTT.

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