
Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Latest version added to the bottom of this post!
 Uninstall previous version PLEASE.
One MAJOR addition has been added to the game today... After this picture.

Meet, Survival Mode!
A la Gears of War 2 and Halo Firefight, you must survive Hordes of enemies and score points along the way!

1. One map only (at least by release)
2. Levels must be individually programmed, but it's very easy to do. (Tonight's release will be a 10-level limit)
3. Health (combined with Ammo) packs are spread out in the map, go over them to heal and instantly reload.

This will hopefully add a lot of replay value to the game over time, which I of course hope to do.

HERE IT ISSSSS: Download the installer!

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