
Monday, February 28, 2011

What's next?

Now that CSI 2: Revelations release development is starting to wind down, what's next, besides updates?

ARENA: Turning Tides is an Action RPG, and the first of my games with 'dynamic combat', or quick-time event controls. You'll see soon enough!
You will be able to choose between Caster or Melee classes and go through waves of Arena opponents and level up to empower your abilities. It'll start out as a rather light RPG, but over time it will probably evolve. Screenshots will come when it's in a good and ready state.

It will run taeHD 2.0 with High-Res Display enhancements!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

this has a disc now

This baby is the CSI 2: Revelations pre-release disc version. Carrying the full install of (non-Mini) "Thursday Night Build" CSI 2. Packing all current cinematics, Complete East Gates and Restricted Area zones in Story, and a Survival Mode up to Level 10.

Of course running taeHD 1.0. It was going to run an early version of taeHD 2.0 CLEAR but I ran into some technical problems with it. Everything looked wonky! So that'll be delayed for a while longer, anyways, no no build here. So enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday Night Build

I can safely say this is shaping up to be the best game I've made in my 16 years, it's shaping up pretty good so far.

Welcome to Build 97 of CSI 2: Revelations Mini.

Now featuring weapon select, Press Q to use the SMG, E to use the Pistol.
Survival mode has been tweaked to minimize stress and maximize fun and re-playability.
Initial framework has been put in for the future update to taeHD 2.0, featuring High-Res Display and a more minimal AmmoUI.

Again, uninstall your old version and enjoy the new!

woah, bro!


In the latest version of CSI 2: Revelations, you can now choose your weapon. Take a fast-firing SMG or take it the precise way with a Pistol.
No need to pick the weapon up. Just press Q to equip a submachine gun. Or press E to use a Pistol.
At anytime, too.

What else to expect in tonight's build?

  • If it goes well, a grenade, or grenade-like item.
  • Layering fixes in Survival.
  • Health+Ammo packs in Survival.
  • Easier, more balanced survival mode (With more cover placed.)
  • Many bug fixes.
  • Initial framework put in to support taeHD 2.0 HighRes display.

What to expect...

Among bug fixes, some major features should be coming in an update tonight to the game.
Also, I like referring to Survival mode as Horde mode, SO WHAT.

Tonight's Goals

  • Easier Horde mode. Less spawn camping terrorists!
  • More prominent Horde mode level indicator.
  • Collision fixes.
  • MINOR framework pieces put in for the taeHD 2.0 update (high-res grahpics, probably won't be in release.)
  • The SMG. Will be added, at least to Horde mode. It will use 2 times the ammo of your regular pistol, but will be spray-riffic, you'll be able to switch seamlessly from Pistol to SMG and back with a button press, a minor HUD indicator will be added to show which weapon you're using.
Future ideas?
  • Turret (Onslaught) mode. Directly control a turret and bring down waves of enemies a la Survival mode.
  • Stealth Mode. No weapons, turrets, grenades, or anything. Just trusty ol' 'C' key and Stealth kills. Based around sprinting from cover to cover and going for the kill. Won't be a Horde mode style, but an alternate level series that I'll add to on my own. Has a chance of coming out tonight, in one level!
  • A Shrapnel Grenade item that will send projectiles in all directions, one time use per level.
  • Some other weapons?
  • Of course finishing the Story maps...
AND THERE YOU GO. Scroll down to "Bug Fixes" to download the latest (last night's) version of the game!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Current Bugs

Please report any bugs you see (which I'm sure there are)

Here are the ones I think are majjjjooooor.

  • The one persistent health pack in Survival mode is not... persistent. Fixed in tonight's update.
  • Restricted Area B does not have an intro picture. Next major release.
  • Layering bugs in the Survival map. Partially fixed in tonights update. 
  • Point overflow at 100,000 points. Not a major thing but this doesn't bode well for Survival mode.
  • In case you're wondering about how wonky the Turret's targeting is, it will be staying this way unless I decide to make it player-controlled aiming with the Arrow keys.
  • Introduction from the full version is included in the installer, making it slightly large. Don't fret.
  • Why's it called Mini? Because this is the more public version with no story needed. The full game has a story and is continuing this series of movies me and some of my cousins like to make.
Remember, download nao and help me! DOWNLOAD ETTTT.


Latest version added to the bottom of this post!
 Uninstall previous version PLEASE.
One MAJOR addition has been added to the game today... After this picture.

Meet, Survival Mode!
A la Gears of War 2 and Halo Firefight, you must survive Hordes of enemies and score points along the way!

1. One map only (at least by release)
2. Levels must be individually programmed, but it's very easy to do. (Tonight's release will be a 10-level limit)
3. Health (combined with Ammo) packs are spread out in the map, go over them to heal and instantly reload.

This will hopefully add a lot of replay value to the game over time, which I of course hope to do.

HERE IT ISSSSS: Download the installer!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Latest Version (shiny)

-- New build released. Glitches, fixed. Levels, added, Points, inflated.--

K, here it is.
Latest build of CSI 2: Mini what's new?

CSI 2 Mini Uninstall is in your C:\Program Files\CSI something folder.

- Turrets! X to put down. Z to pick up.

- Ammo system! With active reloading, right now only shooting and the turret consumes ammo. Stealth Kills will in a later build.

- Active Reloading: When your ammo is below 12, Tap R 10 times to fully reload.

-Level 1 of the Restricted Area.
-Level 2 of the Restricted Area. (50% complete)
Ammo and Active Reload trackers.
Ammo is above the score (big white one)
Active Reload is above the Ammo.
Points have been inflated by a large amount, but more tweaking is still required, expect 100,000+ points per level by full 2.0 release.

Enjoy, and give feedback!
Click me

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Here is the CSI 2: Revelations Mini
1.2 Indev version, for testing. Report bugs, glitches, etc. East gate is the only wing that works.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Game engine has been upgraded from using the (ollld) Gnomeg 1.7 from CSI: The Game and is now running on a heavily updated T.A.E (Trevtech advanced engine) called taeHD. What does this mean?

Universal global event strings: Which in english means the game is much more consistent, with faster load times, faster gameplay, and much less lag.

Graphics update: The graphics in CSI 2 are much much better than CSI: Nations, the last game to run TAE.

UPDATE: Scores have been added to the game, and they're massive.
average of 10,000+ points per level so far.


CSI 2: Revelations has reached INDEV 1.2 (build 20)!

Current status of everything?
Arrivals (First world select hub) COMPLETE
East Gates Wing (A, B, and C) COMPLETE
Departures (Second hub) WORK STARTED
Cinematics: COMPLETE

 Now all that has to be done is the West wing, central, and final 3 stages! UI and everything is all there.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


What you'll see when you start the game (after into cinematic.)
Current state of the lobby level choice area.
Heeeere we go...

You'll notice two things first:

1. It has no built in browser! A first for a trevtech game? XD

2. Faux-Vignette in gameplay.

Keeep in mind that these two screens, especially the gameplay one, are not final graphics. Everything will look better in final

Welcome to trevdev

Tracking progress on some of my (trevor houlroyd) project in Multimedia Fusion 2 game development and more.