
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Square trail 1.4, balance issues, and a Prologue hiatus (ToT 2/14/12)

Okay, so 1.31 of Square Trail is out, with it some performance tweaks and balancing... however it didn't end up well, and is worse off than before! Shield is now really weak, and Ghost is too strong... so 1.32 will be out tonight fixing those issues.

This introduces too 2 main new things: Coins, and Skins. You earn coins from your Score + Square Kills, then you can buy new Square Skins with these coins. It might also have a Hardcore mode... but that might come even earlier... or later, I don't know yet. Hardcore mode will bring faster Red Square spawns, and faster movement.

Prologue? Development is on break due to the success of Square Trail. One at a time, one at a time. I'm really happy with PR2 so it can stay this way for a while.

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